My only gripe is that the photo upload will only work when I’m at home on my own WiFi network it will not upload any photos on any other WiFi network. It is a simple app, and doesn’t have all the features you would get on a pc, but it’s very effective for remote access. A bug in the OS X client for Synologys Cloud Station for syncing files across devices could allow an attacker to take over the machine.
Currently supported clients include Windows PC, Mac, Linux computers, iOS and Android mobile devices, and Synology NAS. Synology Cloud Station automates the synchronization of data among connected client devices. With Word, I love that I can copy & paste an article from the web, save it on Dropbox, then open Dropbox and export it to the NAS, all within minutes. Synology Cloud Station is designed with the following features. I can save articles on my phone, and depending on the app, I can either save directly to the drive, or save it on Dropbox and then transfer the file to the drive. I can view all my stored data, and export files. On your Linux computer, go to Dash > Applications > Synology Drive Client to launch the wizard. On your Mac, go to Finder > Applications > Synology Drive Client to launch the wizard.
It will only download photos when the app is open, but I will usually be working on other files as it downloads in the background. To set up Synology Drive Client: On your Windows computer, go to Start > All Programs > Synology Drive Client to launch the setup wizard. Even when the Internet connection is not available, you can still view and edit your files offline, and all the changes made will be automatically synced to your Synology NAS and PCs once the Internet connection is restored. Cloud Sync integrates the advantages of public cloud and private cloud, enabling you to effortlessly connect your Synology NAS to public cloud services, such as Amazon Drive, BackBlaze B2, Dropbox, Google Cloud Storage, Microsoft Azure, OpenStack Swift, and more. Synology Cloud Station Drive is an application designed to synchronize files between your Synology NAS and computers via the Internet, ensuring that your data is always up-to-date and enabling you to easily access your files. spk distribution file to your Download folder.

Lookup model of your NAS: Download installer file. When I open then app on my home WiFi, all recent photos download to my NAS. What is Synology Cloud Station Drive for Mac. Some Installer for DSM 7 are available in Synology App Store. I’ve been using this app a few years now, and it does what I need it to.